
توجه ! این یک نسخه آرشیو شده می باشد و در این حالت شما عکسی را مشاهده نمی کنید برای مشاهده کامل متن و عکسها بر روی لینک مقابل کلیک کنید : caller id

02-18-2014, 11:57 AM
tenor caller id problem

با سلام
من یک تنور axt800 دارم که برای ارتباط با pstn استفاده میشه
همه چی درست کار میکنه اما وقتی از بیرون زنگ میزنن کالر ایدی anonymouse نمایش داده میشه
اشکال از خط نیست چون قبلا dinstarداشتم و به خاطر کیفیت کم با tenor عوض کردم و تو dinstar مشکل کالر آیدی نداشتم.
کانقیگ کامل تنور رو میذارم

caller id type روی use obtained caller id هست و ۰ که اونجا نوشته یعنی گزینه اول.
line template هم به تمامی کشور ها عوض شد اما نتیجه نداد.

Enabled: 1 (enabled)
Status: 0 (internal use)
id: 1
TFTPServer: (Not Set) (internal use)
ProvisionLog: 9 (0x1001 log bits)
ProvisionEnable: 0 (enable,default)
ProvisionMask: 0
ProvisionErrorPolicy: 1 (min errors)
ResyncOnReset: 1 (enable,default)
ResyncRandomDelay: 15 (seconds,def 15)
ResyncPeriodic: 86400 (seconds,def 86400)
ResyncTimeOfDay: (Not Set) (in hh:mm)
ResyncErrorRetryDelay: 360 (seconds,def 360)
ConnectTimeout: 30 (seconds,def 30)
TransferTimeout: 3600 (seconds,def 3600)
ResyncAfterUpgradeAttempt: 1 (enable)
ForcedResyncDelay: 120 (seconds,def 120)
ResyncNewCallsAllowed: 0 (disable)
ProfileRuLe: (Not Set) (url of Tenor config file)
UpgradeEnable: 0 (disable)
UpgradeErrorRetryDelay: 3600 (seconds,def 3600)
UpgradeRuLe: (Not Set) (URL of new code)
UpgradeRElease: P107-09-10 (firmware version)

name: (Not Set)
AdminContact: (Not Set) (Admin contact information)

name: (Not Set) (site name)
AdminContact: (Not Set) (administrator name)

UTCOffset: 0:00 (in +/-hrs from UTC time,default)

MAXDNlength: 30 (max DN length)
MINDNlength: 1 (min DN length)
LongDistancePrefix: (Not Set) (Numeric string)
CarrierPrefixPattern: (Not Set) (101xxxx;x is 0 to 9)
INTernationaLPrefix[1..8]: (Not Set)
IntercomEnable: 0 (No; default)
InterDigitTimeout: 4 (secs; default)
DialPlanCountry: 255 (No dial plan,default)
ProgressToneCountry: 0 (US)
AllowUnmatchedNumbers: 1 (enable)
CountryCode: (Not Set) (digits 1 to 7)
AreaCode: (Not Set) (Numeric String)


name: (Not Set)
INcomingDelDigits: 0 (0-15: default)
OUTgoingDelDigits: 0 (0-15; default)
INcomingPrefix: (Not Set) (Numeric string)
OUTgoingPrefix: (Not Set) (Numeric string)
OUTgoingTechPrefix: (Not Set) (Numeric string)
INcomingTechPrefix[1..3]: (Not Set)
PrefixTrunkID: 0 (Diabled;Default)

PRIVateDNEnabled: 0 (No; default)
PRIVateDNLength: 3 (default length)

SNMPSysLocation: (Not Set) (location info for SNMP)
SNMPSysContact: (Not Set) (contact info for SNMP)
SNMPSysDescription: (Not Set) (SNMP Description)
SNMPSysName: (Not Set) (System name for SNMP)
SNMPTrapIP1: (Not Set) (SNMP Trap IP addr 1)
SNMPTrapIP2: (Not Set) (SNMP Trap IP addr 2)
SNMPTrapIP3: (Not Set) (SNMP Trap IP addr 3)
SNMPPublicCommunity: (Not Set) (id information)
SNMPTrapCommunity: trap community (id information)

RequestTimeout: 5
PrimaryServerPort: 69
SecondaryServerPort: 69

ConnectTimer: 30 (seconds)
Udp: 1 (use udp)
PrimaryServer: (Not Set) (IP address)
SecondaryServer: (Not Set) (IP address)

id: 1
name: (Not Set)
SYSLogPort: 514 (Syslog Server IP port, default)
SYSLogFacility: 16 (Syslog Server facility code, de)

id: 1
name: (Not Set)
CDRFormat: 0 (default, standard CDR)
CDRServerPort: 9002 (default)
CDRPassWord: (Not Set) (Alphanumeric String)

id: 2
name: (Not Set)
CDRFormat: 0 (default, standard CDR)
CDRServerPort: 9003 (default)
CDRPassWord: (Not Set) (Alphanumeric String)

SignalingGroupAttached: CASSignalingGroup-phone
RoutingGroupAttached: LineCircuitRoutingGroup-phone

SignalingGroupAttached: CASSignalingGroup-line
RoutingGroupAttached: TrunkCircuitRoutingGroup-line

name: Tenor AXT800 System Controller
Registered: 1
Type: 5 (Read only, Card Type)
SlotNumber: 1 (Read only, Slot Number)

name: System Controller Card (Read only)
DeviceType: 5 (Read only)
DeviceNumber: 1 (Read only)

name: (Not Set) (name)
PortNumber: 1 (Read Only, Physical port number)
ManagementAccess: 1 (Access Enabled; Default)
DUPlex: 0 (Auto)
WebServerPort: 8080 (Port Number)
DHCPEnabled: 0 (Disabled)
PPPOEEnabled: 0 (Disabled, default)
PPPOERedialInterval: 0 (default)
PPPOEUserName: (Not Set) (user defined)
PPPOEPassword: (Not Set) (user defined)
InternalNATIPDirAttached: (unspecified)
FilterIPDirAttached[1..16]: (unspecified)


Metric: 1
EIAttached: EthernetInterface-SL1DV1EI1

name: (Not Set)

name: (Not Set)

name: Analog FXO-8 Card
Registered: 1
Type: 16 (Read only, Card Type)
SlotNumber: 2 (Read only, Slot Number)

name: Analog FXO Card (Read only)
DeviceType: 16 (Read only)
DeviceNumber: 1 (Read only)

name: FXO analog interface (Up to 32 Chars)
Type: 1 (line)
PortNumber: 2 (read only; defines port number)
Channels: 8 (Available Channels)
IPExtension: 0 (Disabled; default)

02-18-2014, 12:01 PM
id: phone (read only)
name: (Not Set) (name)
ORientation: 1 (Master, Network)
SignalingType: 1 (Loop Start)
DisconnectSupervision: 0 (disabled)
FlashhookSignal: 0 (No)
DisconnectToneProfileAttached: (unspecified)
ForwardDisconnectDelay: 800 (ms delay,)
CallerIDGeneration: 0 (disabled)
RingFrequency: 20 (Hz)
DTMFONTime: 100 (50-1000ms,def 100)
DTMFOFFTime: 100 (50-1000ms,def 100)
RXGain: -6 (db)
TXGain: 0 (db)
Impedance: 0 (600 ohms,default)
LineTemplate: 0 (See CLI guide)
DialMode: 0 (DTMF Tone Dial)
CadenceONTime: 2000 (numeric,ms)
CadenceOFFTime: 4000 (numeric,ms)
CadenceOFFTime2: 0 (numeric,ms)
MWIType: 0 (Stutter only)
RelayCallingNAMe: 0 (do not relay)

id: line (read only)
name: (Not Set) (name)
ORientation: 0 (Slave, User; default)
SignalingType: 1 (Loop Start)
GuardTime: 2 (numeric,default 10 ms)
Ring12Delay: 4 (numeric;seconds)
DialToneDetect: 1 (Yes, dial tone detect before di)
DialDelay: 500 (ms delay; 0-default)
AnswerDelay: 0 (seconds,)
FlashhookSignal: 0 (No)
ForwardDisconnectDelay: 2 (ms delay,)
CallerIDDetection: 1 (FSK or DTMF)
SilenceBasedDisconnect: 0 (seconds)
ToneBasedSupervision: 1 (Disconnect)
MAXRingFrequency: 40 (numeric,default 50Hz)
MINRingFrequency: 15 (numeric,default 15Hz)
DisconnectSupervisionOptions: 3 (on,off interval)
RingValidation: 1 (enabled)
DTMFONTime: 50 (50-1000ms,def 100)
DTMFOFFTime: 50 (50-1000ms,def 100)
RXGain: -2 (db)
TXGain: 0 (db)
Impedance: 0 (600 ohms,default)
LineTemplate: 0 (See CLI guide)
LocalLoopType: 0 (EIA Type 0, default)
DialMode: 0 (DTMF Tone Dial)

SIPInfoFormat: 0 (Nortel,default)
ProxyFailoverBehavior: 1 (fail over)
PrimarySIPServerPort: 5060 (portnumber,def 5060)
PrimarySIPServer: (IP address)
SecondarySIPServerPort: 5060 (port number,def 5060)
SecondarySIPServer: (Not Set) (IP address)
OutboundPrimaryServerPort: 5060 (port number,def 5060)
OutboundPrimaryServer: (Not Set) (IP address)
OutboundSecondaryServerPort: 5060 (port number,def 5060)
OutboundSecondaryServer: (Not Set) (IP address)
RegisterExpiryTime: 30 (seconds,def 300)
AllowOnlyProxyCalls: 1 (from proxy,default)
SDPin180Ringing: 1 (send SDP)
SIPServerInFromHdr: 1 (use SIP Server IP)
SDPin183Progress: 1 (yes,default)
IncludeQuintumHeader: 1 (enable,default)
UserNameInContact: 1 (contact info sent)
RequestReTransmitCount: 11 (default 11)
UserNameAsURI: 0 (disable,default)
MaxForwards: 70 (default 70)
PRACKMethod: 1 (supported)
Send180Ringing: 1 (enabled)
Send183Progress: 1 (enabled)
SipPstnInterworking: 0 (disabled)
SIPNoConnectTimeout: 180 (seconds,def 180)
SessionTimer: 0 (disabled)
UserAgentHeader: Quintum/1.0.0 (0-31 char,def Quintum1.0.0)
MWIServer: (Not Set) (IP address)
MWIServerPort: 5060 (Numeric,default 5060)
MWISubscribeDuration: 60 (minutes,def 60)
MWIFailureRetryDelay: 30 (minutes,def 30)
CLIHeaderType: 0 (disabled)
UseFromContact: 0 (DN)
SIPTelephoneEvents: 1 (Append "/1" to SDP attribute)
SIPUseDNinRegister: 0 (Use PrimaryUser in Register)
DirectGWRouting: 0 (disable)
ConferenceFactoryName: (Not Set) (0-31 charac,name)
ConferenceFactoryServer: (Not Set) (server name)
ConferenceFactoryPort: 5060 (port num, def 5060)
SIPRegisterOnBootup: 0 (disable)
SDPinInvite: 1 (send SDP)

id: 101
Enabled: 1 (enabled)
ListenPort: 5060 (port,default 5060)
PrimaryUser: tenor (username)
PrimaryPassWord: tenor (up to 31 char)
SecondaryUser: (Not Set) (username)
SecondaryPassWord: (Not Set) (up to 31 char)
Contacts[1..2]: (Not Set)
MWIUserName: (Not Set) (name,15 char)
MWIPassword: (Not Set) (password,15 char)

02-18-2014, 12:03 PM
id: line
name: (Not Set)
OverlapDial: 0 (No, default)
DIRection: 2 (Bi-direction;default)
ProgressTone: 0 (Off;default)
EndOfDial: 1 (Enable)
EndOfDialDigit: # (default;#,*,0-9)
AddEndOfDialDigit: 0 (No;default)
ForcedRoutingNum: 1000 (A Dialed Number)
ForcedRoutingNumType: 0 (Public; default)
TrunkID: (Not Set) (Numeric string)
TrunkIDDelivery: 0 (No Delivery)
TrunkIDDeliveryFormat: cid (0-9,*,#,literal character)
HUNTAlgorithm: 0 (Ascending)
ModemBypass: 0 (Disabled)
PassThroughEnable: 0 (No; default)
PassThroughID: 0 (Idx of a LCRG;default)
MaxHopoffCallsAllowed: -1 (default)
BusyOut: 0 (Ring Back)
TwoStageDialing: 0 (No)
ProvideAutoSwitchProgressTone: 0 (No,Default)
IVRType: 0 (No IVR; default)
Hairpinning: 0 (No,Default)
EnableExternalRouting: 0 (No; Default)
MaxTalkTime: 0 (Mins,default 0)
InBoundAccessLevel: 0 (0 to 127)
OutBoundAccessLevel: 0 (0 to 127)
StopAcctID: 0 (IP Addr,default)
CallerIDType: 0 (Caller ID)
Play1700Prompt: 0 (No;Default)
PrefiXTrunkID: 0 (No;Default)
AnswerDisconnectTone: 0 (disabled,default)
OutboundANINumDigits: 0 (caller id sent out)
CallTerminationINDication: 0 (disable)
EnableAutoSwitch: 0
AutoSwitchNumberType: 0 (DID received)
AutoSwitchNumber: (Not Set) (DN)
CallWaiting: 0 (disable)
HolD: 0 (disable)
UnattendedTRansfer: 0 (disable)
AttendedTRansfer: 0 (disable)
CallWaitToConfKeystroke: 22 (keystroke,def 22)
HopoffNumberDirAttached[1]: HopoffNumberDirectory-1
HopoffNumberDirAttached[2..16]: (unspecified)
UserAgentAttached: UserAgent-101
CallerIDXlateDirAttached: (unspecified)
OutboundCallerIDXlateDirAttach: (unspecified)
InboundDNISXlateDirAttached: (unspecified)

id: phone
name: (Not Set)
OverlapDial: 1 (Yes, default)
DIRection: 2 (Bi-dir; default)
ProgressTone: 1 (On;default)
EndOfDial: 1 (Enable)
EndOfDialDigit: # (default;#,*,0-9)
AddEndOfDialDigit: 0 (No; default)
ForcedRoutingNum: (Not Set) (A Dialed Number)
ForcedRoutingNumType: 0 (Public; default)
TrunkID: (Not Set) (Numeric String)
TrunkIDDelivery: 0 (No Delivery; default)
TrunkIDDeliveryFormat: cid (Original Destination Num)
HUNTAlgorithm: 2 (Ascending-Round-Robin)
ModemBypass: 0 (Disabled)
PassThroughEnable: 0 (No; default)
PassThroughID: 0 (Index of a LCRG; default)
PUBlicNumDigits: 7 (default)
PRIVateNumDigits: 4 (default)
TwoStageDialing: 0 (No, default)
EnableMultiPath: 1 (Yes, default, enable multi path)
IVRType: 0 (No IVR; default)
EnableExternalRouting: 0 (No; Default)
InBoundAccessLevel: 0 (Access level, 0 to 127)
OutBoundAccessLevel: 0 (Access level, 0 to 127)
StopAcctID: 0 (IP Addr, default)
CallerIDType: 0 (CallID or area + HLDN)
Play1700Prompt: 0 (No;Default)
PrefiXTrunkID: 0 (No;Default)
AnswerDisconnectTone: 0 (disabled,default)
OutboundANINumDigits: 0 (caller id sent out)
PartialTG: 0 (disabled,default)
CallTerminationINDication: 0 (disable)
AutoSwitchNumberType: 0 (DID received)
AutoSwitchNumber: (Not Set) (DN)
CallWaiting: 0 (disable)
HolD: 0 (disable)
UnattendedTRansfer: 0 (disable)
AttendedTRansfer: 0 (disable)
CallWaitToConfKeystroke: 22 (keystroke,def 22)
BypassNumberDirAttached[1]: BypassNumberDirectory-1
BypassNumberDirAttached[2..8]: (unspecified)
PUBHuntLdnDirAttached[1]: HuntLDNDirectory-pub1
PUBHuntLdnDirAttached[2..24]: (unspecified)
PRIVHuntLdnDirAttached[1]: HuntLDNDirectory-prv1
PRIVHuntLdnDirAttached[2..24]: (unspecified)
UserAgentAttached: UserAgent-101
CallerIDXlateDirAttached: (unspecified)
OutboundCallerIDXlateDirAttach: (unspecified)
InboundDNISXlateDirAttached: (unspecified)

02-18-2014, 12:04 PM
من هنوز هم anonymouse caller id دارم

02-09-2017, 05:02 PM
سلام دوستان بنده هم یکدستگاه تنور af800 دارم متاسفانه caller Id کار نمیکنه متاسفانه دیگر دستگاهایی که دارم رو یfsk کار میکنه حتی همین خطم هم که به تنور وصله با دستگاه دیگر که روی fsk میذارم caller id کار میکنه میشه لطفا راهنمایی کنید .ممنون میشم . در ضمن تماس ها انتقال میدم به الستیکس .